Showing all 4 results

  • WHMIS Online Training


    After completing this course you will be able to identify your responsibilities under WHMIS. You will be better aware of the hazards that may be present in your workplace and the appropriate control measures to reduce the risks. You will be better able to navigate supplier labels and safety data sheets, as well as create workplace labels when needed.

    The participant has the flexibility to complete the content at their own pace, at home or on break. At the end of the course, an assessment quiz evaluates the participants learning and an 80% pass rate allows the learner to receive a certificate of completion.

  • Workplace Violence and Harassment Training


    After completing this course you will be able to explain what workplace violence and harassment is. You will be able to identify the different types of workplace violence and harassment and the measures that can be taken to help prevent it. You will be aware of the employer’s responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as well as your own responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as well as your own responsibilities to help prevent and report workplace violence and harassment incidents.

    The participant has the flexibility to complete the content at their own pace, at home or on break. At the end of the course, an assessment quiz evaluates the participants learning and an 80% pass rate allows the learner to receive a certificate of completion.

  • Annual IPAC Training for Chiropody and Podiatry Clinical Staff


    This set of online modules offers a complete overview of the infection control topics all foot care workers must be trained in annually. This course includes reprocessing and is ideal for all clinical staff.  It includes detailed information about sterilization, routine practices, hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, and other critical topics.

  • Annual IPAC Training for Chiropody and Podiatry Non-Clinical Staff


    These modules include the required topics for staff regarding routine practices and environmental cleaning. This course is ideal for staff in chiropody and podiatry clinics who do NOT work in the reprocessing area. It covers core principle concepts, routine practices, hand hygiene, and other topics everyone in the office should be familiar with.