Annual IPAC Training for Cosmetic Surgery Clinical Staff


These online learning modules written specifically for cosmetic surgeon staff will satisfy infection control requirements and provide education especially for your environment and support for infection control work-flows. The Ministry of Health requires annual, formalized infection prevention and control (IPAC) training for all clinical staff, with an evaluation component and documentation of training received. In addition, all new hires must also have formalized, evaluated training in infection control principles. Our education modules will allow you to meet these requirements. 

The participant has the flexibility to complete the content at their own pace, at home or in the office. At the end of every module, an assessment quiz evaluates the participant’s learning and an 80% pass rate allows the learner to proceed to the next module. Each module runs approximately 20 minutes in length prior to starting the quiz. 

At the end of the course, the successful learner receives a certificate of completion as a record of annual training completion. 


These online learning modules written specifically for Cosmetic surgeon staff will satisfy infection control requirements and support for infection control work-flows. 

Section 1 – Routine Practices
Module 1 – Introduction to Routine Practices
Module 2 – Risk Assessment
Module 3 – Hand Hygiene
Module 4 – Personal Protective Equipment 

Section 2: Environmental Cleaning 

Module 1 – Cleaning Methodology
Module 2 – Managing Waste 

Section 3: Reprocessing  

Module 1 – Introduction to Reprocessing: What it Means in Your Practice
Module 2 – Personal Protective Equipment for Reprocessing
Module 3 – Cleaning: The First Step of Reprocessing
Module 4 – Disinfection: More than Clean
Module 5 – Steam Sterilization and Preparing the Load: There is a Right Way
Module 6 – Steam Sterilization: Unloading, Transportation, and Storage – Don’t Undo It All
Module 7 – Equipment and Process Quality Assurance: Indicators, Results, and Records 

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